Saturday, December 28, 2013

Book Quotes (2013)

Las citas que más me han gustado de los libros leídos durante 2013. Sólo los leídos en el Kindle, claro, que es el que me permite hacer esto.

La Fundación Isaac Asimov

La Galaxia será regida por la idea de que lo único que tendrá importancia será lo que un hombre pueda conseguir por sí mismo y en aquel mismo momento. Los hombres ambiciosos no esperarán y los poco escrupulosos no se quedarán atrás. Por medio de sus acciones precipitarán la decadencia de los mundos.

Hágame ejecutar y Trántor no caerá dentro de cinco siglos, sino dentro de cincuenta años, y usted, usted mismo, dentro de un solo año.

-Usted es lo que llaman un hombre de paz, ¿verdad?
- Supongo que sí. Por lo menos, considero que la violencia es una forma económicamente de obtener un fin. Siempre hay caminos mejores, aunque a veces no sean tan directos.
-Sí, ya he oído su lema: "La violencia ese el último recurso del incompetente"

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

Algernon: What you really are is a Bunburyist. I was quite right in saying you were a Bunburyist. You are one of the most advanced Bunburyists I know.
Jack: What on earth do you mean?
Algernon: You have invented a very useful younger brother called Ernest, in order that you may be able to come up to town as often as you like. I have invented an invaluable permanent invalid called Bunbury, in order that I may be able to go down into the country whenever I choose. Bunbury is perfectly invaluable. If it wasn’t for Bunbury’s extraordinary bad health, for instance, I wouldn’t be able to dine with you at Willis’s to-night, for I have been really engaged to Aunt Augusta for more than a week.

Lady Bracknell: Do you smoke?
Jack: Well, yes, I must admit I smoke.
Lady Bracknell. I am glad to hear it. A man should always have an occupation of some kind. There are far too many idle men in London as it is. How old are you?
Jack: Twenty-nine.
Lady Bracknell: A very good age to be married at. I have always been of opinion that a man who desires to get married should know either everything or nothing. Which do you know?

Algernon. All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That’s his.

Jack: I am sick to death of cleverness. Everybody is clever nowadays. You can’t go anywhere without meeting clever people. The thing has become an absolute public nuisance. I wish to goodness we had a few fools left.

I’ll bet you anything you like that half an hour after they have met, they will be calling each other sister. Algernon. Women only do that when they have called each other a lot of other things first.

The catcher in the rye
J.D. Salinger

If a girl looks swell when she meets you, who gives a damn if she's late? Nobody.

You take somebody that cries their goddam eyes out over phony stuff in the movies, and nine times out of ten they're mean bastards at heart. I'm not kidding.

The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.

1984 George Orwell

From where Winston stood it was just possible to read, picked out on its white face in elegan lettering, the three slognas of the Party:

Asleep or awake, working or eating, indoors or out of doors, in the bath or in the bed- no escape. Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull. 

In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.

It was not desirable that the proles should have strong political feelings. All that was required of them was a primitive patriotism which could be appealed to whenever it was necessary to make them accept longer working-hours or shorter rations.

The capitalism owned everything in the world, and everyone else was their slave. They owned all the land, all the houses, all the factories, and all the money.

What was more important was that sexual privation induced hysteria, which was desirable because it could be transormed into war-fever and leader-worship.

It is deliberate policy to keep even the favoured groups somewhere near the brink of hardship, because a general state of scarcity increases the importance of small privileges and thus magnifies the distinction between one group and another.

The best books, he perceived, are those that tell you what you know already.

The aim of the High is to remain where they are. The aim of the Middle is to change places with the High. The aim of the Low [...] is to abolish all distinctions and create a society in which all me shall be equal.

That the choice for makind lay between freedom and happiness, and that, for the great bulk of mankind, happiness was better.

For the first time he perceived that if you want to keep a secret you must also hide it from yourself. You must know all the while that it is there, but until it is needed you must never let it emerge into your consciousness in any shape taht could be given a name. 

Los Miserables Victor Hugo

No ver a las personas es cosa que permite suponer en ellas todas las perfecciones.

Hay padres que no quieren a sus hijos, pero no hay un solo abuelo que no adore a su nieto.

Hay siempre en el pensamiento cierta cantidad de rebelión interior, y le irritaba sentirla dentro de sí.

A Confederacy of Dunces John Kennedy Toole

Death, destruction, anarchy, progress, ambition, and self-improvement were to be Pier's new fate. And a vicious fate it was to be: now he was faced with the perversion of having to GO TO WORK.

To you character is a psychosis. Integrity is a complex.

Verónica decide morir Paulo Coelho

Una persona que, como todas las de este mundo, necesitaba de los otros para ser feliz. ¡Pero los otros eran tan difíciles!

Cuanto más felices pueden ser las personas, más infelices se vuelven.

¿Qué es la realidad? Es lo que la mayoría de la gente consideró que debía ser. No necesariamente lo mejor, ni lo más lógico, sino lo que se adaptó al deseo colectivo.

No importa quien dice la verdad, importa quien tiene la razón.

En el caso de la amargura, el terreno propicio para el surgimiento de la enfermedad aparece cuando se crea el miedo a la llamada "realidad".

"Debía haber sido más loca", reflexionó- Pero como sucede con la mayoría de las personas, lo había descubierto demasiado tarde.

-¿Es grave ser diferente?
-Es grave forzarse a ser igual: provoca neurosis, psicosis, paranoia.

El Alquimista Paulo Coelho

El secreto de la felicidad está en mirar todas las maravillas del mundo, pero sin olvidarse nunca de las dos gotas de aceite en la cuchara.

Y concluyó diciendo la misteriosa palabra: Maktub.

El camellero quiso saber cuáles eran las circunstancias en las que Dios permitía ver el futuro: - Cuando Él mismo lo muestra. Y Dios muestra el futuro raramente, y por una única razón: es un futuro que fue escrito para ser cambiado.

Yo soy un viejo árabe supersticioso, y creo en los proverbios de mi tierra. Y existe un proverbio que dice: "Todo lo que sucede una vez puede que no suceda nunca más. Pero todo lo que suceda dos veces, sucederá, ciertamente, una tercera."

Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert

Necesitaba sacar de las cosas una especie de provecho personal; y rechazaba como inútil todo lo que no contribuía al consuelo inmediato de su corazón, pues, siendo de temperamento más sentimental que artístico, buscaba emociones y paisajes.

Pero la denigración de las personas a quienes amamos siempre nos aleja de ellas un poco. No hay que tocar a los ídolos, su dorado se nos queda en las manos. 

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